From adding a sustainability lens to fully embedding sustainability into your company’s DNA.

You’re the expert in your industry, Lorena helps you execute with sustainability in mind

Drawing on expertise in organizational change management and a deep understanding of cutting-edge sustainability trends, Lorena helps brands and businesses navigate the ever-evolving sustainability landscape. She specializes in understanding where a company is, the sustainability potential and designs actionable industry-focused strategies that deliver long-term impact. Lorena’s approach to sustainability is balanced, addressing both root causes and the need for immediate action.

She works collaboratively with brands, startups, and Fortune 500 companies to execute on sustainability ideas, add a sustainability lens to current offerings and embed sustainability into their core operations, future-proofing their businesses.

3 ways to work

Your Sustainability Ideas

Got a sustainability vision? Lorena reviews your ideas to develop a winning strategy and actionable plan.

*Please note this is only strategy & only a high-level analysis of your business, offering or industry is completed

A Sustainability Lens

Elevate your brand’s sustainability! Whether you’re starting from scratch or already have sustainability initiatives in place, Lorena leverages her expertise & thorough industry analysis to identify hidden opportunities to integrate a sustainability edge that resonates with stakeholders.

Embedding Sustainability

Tired of superficial sustainability efforts? Lorena provides a deep dive analysis of your industry and company. She'll expose the gaps and craft a multi-pronged change strategy with actionable plans to achieve real sustainability.

*Minimum 3 month commitment


Coaches, Influencers & Thought Leaders

  • Absolutely! Integrating the "sustainability lens" into your content is a great way to showcase your brand values and resonate with sustainability-conscious audiences. We offer two ways to achieve this:

    1. Enhance Your Existing Content: We analyze your current content and offerings to identify opportunities for infusing them with a sustainability focus. This might involve highlighting existing sustainable practices, reframing content with a sustainability perspective, or identifying gaps where sustainability messaging can be incorporated.

    2. Build a Content Strategy from the Ground Up: Let's collaborate to develop a comprehensive content strategy built on your mission, stakeholder values, and sustainability goals. This approach ensures your content is aligned from the start, creating a powerful narrative that showcases your commitment to a sustainable future.

    Both options allow you to create impactful content that reflects your brand's unique sustainability story. If you're unsure which approach best fits your needs, we're happy to discuss your goals and recommend the most effective strategy for you.

  • Sustainability's growing importance is exciting, but navigating it strategically is crucial. We understand you might be nervous about impacting existing partnerships. Here's how we can help:

    1. Aligned Values & Audience: We'll start by identifying your core sustainability values and non-negotiables. This clarity ensures your message resonates with the right audience – potential partners and clients who share your vision and goals.

    2. Data-Driven Strategy: Next, we'll conduct a thorough industry and stakeholder analysis. This data-driven approach allows you to understand your audience and confidently embrace sustainability while attracting a network that aligns with your values.

    By focusing on these areas, you can develop a strategy that fosters collaboration and strengthens your position as a sustainability leader.

Private Equity & Venture Capital

  • ESG is an evolving journey, not a one-size-fits-all destination. We understand your unique approach as a venture capitalist, whether you're just starting to explore ESG or looking to refine an existing strategy. At any stage, integrating ESG considerations can unlock significant advantages.

    Partnering for Progress

    Working together, we'll craft a customized ESG roadmap that aligns with your investment philosophy and vision. This collaborative approach empowers you to:

    • Make informed decisions based on a deeper understanding of ESG factors.

    • Attract talent and investors who value responsible investing.

    • Become a sustainability leader by supporting the sustainability journey of your portfolio companies.

    By partnering with us, you can navigate the evolving ESG landscape with confidence and achieve your unique investment goals.

  • Your commitment to leading the charge in sustainable finance aligns perfectly with our expertise. Whether you're a private equity or venture capital firm, we can help you achieve your sustainability goals.

    Our approach is tailored to your specific needs, beginning with a deep dive into your firm's unique sustainability goals. Through a comprehensive Business Sustainability Analysis, we identify opportunities to enhance your profile and support your portfolio companies. This enables us to develop a strategic roadmap that aligns with your vision and drives long-term value as we support your portfolio companies transition through the three Business Sustainability typologies.

Businesses, Consulting & Agency Firms

  • Sustainability is multifaceted. While previous consultants may have addressed specific areas like environment or social responsibility, we take a more comprehensive approach. We specialize in achieving holistic, long-term sustainability through organizational change management.

    Working together, we'll identify any gaps in your current initiatives and tailor a strategy that aligns with your specific goals. Whether you're aiming for increased transparency with stakeholders, industry leadership in sustainability, or reimagining your offerings with a sustainable focus, we can help you achieve it. To ensure your sustainability journey delivers real impact, we'll conduct an in-depth audit that reveals areas for improvement. We're confident in our expertise, but if your specific needs require a different specialist, we'll happily connect you with the right person.

  • Uncover Your Hidden Sustainability Advantage and Attract New Clients

    Your services likely contribute to multiple sustainability goals for your clients, offering a valuable opportunity to differentiate yourself. We analyze your offerings through the lens of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and over 25+ industry-specific frameworks. This comprehensive analysis reveals your hidden sustainability impact, empowering you to strengthen your marketing and attract new clients who prioritize sustainability.

    Demonstrate Your Commitment to a Sustainable Future

    By understanding your existing strengths in sustainability, you can showcase the positive environmental and social change your services enable. This analysis allows you to position yourself as a preferred partner, aligning with your clients' sustainability goals. It also reinforces your own commitment to a sustainable future, further solidifying your market leadership. Let's work together to unlock the hidden impact of your services and create new opportunities for success.

Board Members & Executives

  • The Triple Bottom Line (TBL) has been influential but is limited in addressing today's complex sustainability challenges. While it offers a foundational perspective, it often falls short in capturing the interconnectedness of environmental, social, and economic factors.

    Our approach goes beyond TBL by incorporating a deeper understanding of your organization's unique goals and context. We combine financial, environmental, and social impact considerations with a focus on organizational sustainability and Business Sustainability 3.0 to develop a robust and tailored sustainability strategy. This approach drives tangible results and positions your organization as a leader in sustainable business practices.

  • While a dedicated Chief Sustainability Officer is often ideal, we understand that might not be feasible at this time. There are two effective alternatives to consider:

    1. Hiring a Sustainability Manager: If you've already developed a clear sustainability strategy aligned with your business goals, a Sustainability Manager can be instrumental in putting your plans into action. They can oversee day-to-day operations, track progress, and ensure your sustainability initiatives are integrated into your overall business strategy.

    2. Engaging a Sustainability Consultant: If you're still in the early stages of developing your sustainability approach, a consultant can provide valuable expertise. They can help you identify key sustainability opportunities and threats, develop a tailored strategy, or implement specific projects.

    When working with a consultant, it's crucial to:

    • Define your goals: Clearly articulate what you hope to achieve through sustainability. This will help you find a consultant with the right expertise.

    • Understand the scope: Sustainability is a broad field. Ensure the consultant's focus aligns with your specific priorities, whether it's reducing your carbon footprint, improving social impact, or enhancing your brand reputation.

    By carefully considering these options and aligning your approach with your business objectives, you can make significant strides towards becoming a more sustainable organization.